Brain Tumor

Hope Hematology & Oncology Associates LLC
Nikki Bajaj, MD
Oncology & Internal Medicine located in Iselin, NJ
Although 70% of all diagnosed brain tumors are benign (noncancerous), they can impact your life when they grow and cause increasing symptoms. Board-certified oncologist Nikki Bajaj, MD, provides compassionate, one-on-one assessment and care for brain tumors of all types at Hope Hematology & Oncology Associates LLC in Iselin, New Jersey. Call the office for an appointment or request a visit online today.
Brain Tumor Q&A
What is a brain tumor?
A brain tumor is a type of mass inside your brain. Tumors, which are growths of abnormal cells, can exist anywhere in the body. They can be either benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous).
A tumor in the brain may have originated there, or the abnormal cells may have metastasized (traveled) there from elsewhere in your body. Tumors that did not originate in the brain are always cancerous.
There are countless different types of brain tumors varying in their locations within the brain, growth rates, and other features. They also vary in how they affect your functioning, which depends on their proximity to various brain structures. Your treatment at Hope Hematology & Oncology Associates LLC depends on the type of brain tumor you have.
How will I know if I have a brain tumor?
Knowing about brain tumors and how they can affect you may worry you, especially because the initial symptoms of a brain tumor can vary widely. Many brain tumor symptoms are consistent with other conditions, and a brain tumor is usually not the most likely cause of whichever symptoms you’re experiencing.
Still, you should book an appointment if you experience:
- New headaches or changes in the headaches you typically get
- Speech problems
- Balance problems
- Dizziness
- Seizures
- Drowsiness or fatigue
- Personality and behavior changes
- Sensory issues, like hearing difficulties or vision problems
- Loss of sensation or movement in a limb
- Confusion
Typically, you’ll see a primary care physician or another provider before going straight to an oncology specialist for symptoms like these and others. They perform lots of different tests to rule out other causes before referring you to Dr. Bajaj. She provides neurological exams and imaging tests to diagnose or rule out a brain tumor as the cause of your symptoms.
What are my treatment options for a brain tumor?
At Hope Hematology & Oncology Associates LLC, Dr. Bajaj gives you one-on-one care for your condition and puts you at the center of your treatment. She asks for input about your personal preferences and considers other factors while creating a treatment plan, including your general health as well as the location, size, and accessibility of the tumor.
Treatment for a brain tumor might involve:
Traditional brain surgery physically removes a tumor or part of a tumor that a surgeon can access. Even removing a small portion of a brain tumor can relieve some of the symptoms that come from it.
Chemotherapy is treatment using systemic medications to kill the tumor cells. There are both oral and intravenous drugs available for brain tumor chemotherapy.
Radiation therapy
Radiation therapy involves powerful energy beams such as X-rays or protons to target and destroy tumor cells.
Targeted drug therapy
Targeted drug therapy uses medications that target specific cancer cell abnormalities that they can block, resulting in the destruction of those tumor cells.
To consider all of your options for brain tumor care, book an appointment by phone or request one online at Hope Hematology & Oncology Associates LLC today.